
 Hi everyone I hope that we stay good with our families, as you know, the theme of this blog is free so I will talk about one of my pets, the most iconic. His name is hulk, he is a chiguagua(I think XD), 7 years old, came to my home when he was just a puppy of  a few months, and he won the affection of the whole family and neighbors for being so small an tender, even from the people who come to visit my house who end up taking pictures with him or wanting to take him away, in fact there are some colleagues who already had the "privilege" of knowing him he always accompanies me when I go for a walk to the hills that are close to my house and receives me particularly when I arrive at my house, and by "particularly" I mean the sounds it makes, in a nutshell, screams, doesn´t bark.   I attach a video so you can appreciate it pd: does not suffer, it is always like this when he gets excited With nothing more to say, I hope you have a good week. Bye  
 Hi everyone I hope that you and your family stay good and safe. In this blog I´m going to talk about education, specifically this question: Do private schools offer higher quality education or are they just prestigious?   Well. it´s extremely difficult to have a single opinion on whether private education is better that public education or not. During my childhood I attended a public school and in my adolescence a private school, and from my point of view, in private education there are students who are more responsible in academic matters, at least most. This does not mean that in public education there are not people with great goals, but there are children and young people who have not received great support, mainly family.I repeat that is difficult to generalize this topic basically beacause each student lives a different reality from the others. An important area that in my opinion does make a difference between public and private education is access to different support material
 Hello everyone I hope that you had a good week, in today´s blog I will tell you about my opinion on religion. Personally I don´t believe in any kind of religion but I respect the belief of any person as log as it does not transgress the humanity of others. When I was little I belonged to the christian belief, wich in my opinion is the most popular in our country and one of the most instilled within most families. And more than the fact of following or instilling a religion, it bothers me that there are families that force their sons or daughters to follow the same religion as them, when they should decide on their own.   I possess the sacrament of baptism, first communion and confirmation. But currently they don´t mean much to me. I believe that the church is an entity that only seeks to profit from people, in addition to being one of the most controversial with cases of harassment of minors. Of other religions i don´t have much knowledge but if iwould like to know how they work, just
 Hi everyone, I hope that we stay good and safe, in today´s blog i´m going to speak about the healthcare system. currently the chilean health system has too many shortcomins that hinder free access to quality health, there are very obvious shortcommins whitin this model that have people with a lot of annoyance, the main ones of these are the endless waiting lists, with people who die waiting for an operation that never arrives, the shortage of medicines and their high cost that is impossible for many people to pay in addition to the lack of supplies for public health centers where many times the same officials must put money out of their pockets for the purchase of implements.  
  Hi everyone I hope that we stay good, my name is Lucas Martínez and in this occasion im going to talk about politics, specifically this question:   Is voting an important responsiblility of a citizen?   -In my opinion the responsibility to vote is really importat, because basically this i how our ideas or political trends no matter what it is, can be represented by someone, in theory, democracy works like this. Voting is the most important tool of citizen participation that can exist in any democratic goberment, both as a political expression and the power to decide who will govern or excercise a political job, that, in the future, votes or will not, they affect our lifes equally in all areas.